So, summers here are spectacular and to add to the fun we sit around all winter long and think of things that we would like to do in the Summer! Take Summerfest, for instance; a 3 weekend long blitz of activities starting off with the Chile Cookoff over June 20-22. We had 30 cooks come in and demonstrate their ability to cook some ass kicking chile, while we demonstrated our ability to cook up some ass kickin' margaritas!
After that weekend and we had all recouperated from the hot fired chile and margaritas and salsa, we have Donkey Derby Days. This is a great 3 day event full of fun for us up here in the high country.

4th of July was a lallapalooza! 40,000 folks paraded through town and got entertained at the stage, showed off their hair legs and white legs and enjoyed home made ice cream. We had 2 eves of fireworks! I went home and slept! I was tired!
Our next events are Veterans Appreciation days, we have a parade then also, its in August over the 18, 19 & 20th, so be sure to come up and salute our awesome Veterans. Check the Cripple Creek website for better information, my dates may be off. We have a General coming to speak as well as other military dignitaries and we really appreciate what you Vets do for us and our country! (http://www.cripple-creek.co.us/)
Well, till next time, I am trying to keep the batteries in my camera in good shape, but over the Big 3 Summerfest weekend I did not have time to take many photos!
For More Info on Cripple Creek, the "District", advice, opinions or anything else for free:
719-689-3434 office
719-641-7074 cell
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